Dr Ann Grand – Research Associate (Digital Engagement)

Dr Ann Grand
Dr Ann Grand


Ann is a part-time Research Associate on the Catalyst project. She will be investigating all aspects of researchers' practice in digital engagement and how public engagement with research can be supported and facilitated through digital technologies. Ann is based in the Institute of Educational Technology, working with Dr Anne Adams, Dr Trevor Collins, Dr Richard Holliman and Prof Eileen Scanlon.


Ann has recently completed her PhD at the University of the West of England, Bristol. Her research considered the potential of open science practice to be a medium for science communication and public engagement with science. The use of tools for digital engagement, by both researchers and members of the public, is becoming more common but digital engagement is a young practice, and a relatively rare approach. The interface between open science and public engagement - which is largely mediated by digital technologies - presents considerable opportunities for both researchers and members of the public. However, it also presents significant challenges in how projects can best use the skills and experience of these new contributors. Some of the publications that have emerged from Ann's PhD are hosted on the UWE repository.


Ann is an Open University graduate; a qualification she gained while working as a science teacher. Since completing her PhD, she has carried out a number of evaluations of public engagement projects and acted as consultant and trainer for the NCCPE. She occasionally teaches on UWE's MSc Science Communication programme and has supervised four students through their dissertation projects.

Ann has been a prominent member of the international Café Scientifique movement since she started the Bristol Science Café in 2003. Since 2010, she has been voluntary webmistress for the network, advising, supporting and mentoring new café organisers around the world and hosting and maintaining the website.


Dr Ann Grand

Research Associate, IET

The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Telephone: +44(0)1908 858045

Email: Ann.Grand@open.ac.uk

Website: http://iet.open.ac.uk/people/ann.grand

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