Tag Archives: conference

Photograph of Gareth Davies
Gareth Davies

Thanks to financial support from the NCCPE's Public Engagement Ambassador (PEA) programme and the Santander Universities scheme, I was able to attend the 13th Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) conference, held earlier this year in Brazil.

The NCCPE has published my post about the conference here on their website.

Science in the Public Conference 2013 Poster
Science in the Public Conference 2013 Poster

(with thanks to many prolific and interesting conference Tweeters)

This year was the seventh Science in Public conference and took place at the University of Nottingham, which is also the base for the Leverhulme Trust-funded Making Science Public project. There were over 120 participants from Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Portugal, the United States and the UK and more than 25 panel sessions on topics from responsible innovation to storytelling and public engagement to the dilemmas of making expertise public.

Sophia Collins
Come to my #SIP13 session on storytelling. Stories! A ukulele! And a week-old baby!

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